Well, I have been across people who say that our Beloved "God incarnate", Saibaba was deceitful and promoted fraudulent. I pity those people as they are increasing their demerits of next birth and births beyond. As our baba said, to see the supreme one must let go of their ignorance and ego. Well, to our motherly Sainath, a pauper and a king is of equal importance. Who am I, to change their beliefs.?

I can just try at the extremes, to reduce their demerits of upcoming births. I have an answer to most of your queries. I have seen various "HINDUS" who possess a problem with our beloved deity just because, he practiced some of the Islamic rituals and, uttered "Allah malik" (God is the sole protector and is one). I used to get a sum of mails questioning me about practices of God, our Saibaba. That's why, in place of replying to individual mails I composed this post for all the people who think, Saibaba was a fraud and are against him. The common query that the people against baba ask me draws back to the year when Saibaba incarnated in holy Shirdi and the Britishers were ruling over our country India. The other query goes with the question of Baba trying to reunite Hindus and Muslims under one bond, practicing the traditions of both the religions. I am no good at intellect, nor am I that capable to answer all your queries with the help of Bhagwad Geeta, Quran or Ramayana. But being a true devotee to Saibaba, I at least know that what my Baba really is. Before proceeding further I surrender my ego to the holy feet of Sainath Maharaja. And, I hope with his supreme and motherly love, those people who are against "Our God" will gain some brains and make their life more fruitful. So here are some common questions and their query in the order of High importance.
Q1. If Saibaba is a God incarnate, why didn't he free India from the captivity of Britishers.?
Well to any person who requires a query to go against Sainath will surely ask this question and will use it as a shield to prove their point. And, this question is apt. People ask, if he's God, he should have freed India while the Britishers were treating Indians like animals. People who are against him, have a say that he promoted magical tricks and, was not close to God as he didn't save our Country during that time. It is believed that "British Rule" in India started from c. 1600 and continued until late 1947, until our freedom fighters like MK Gandhi and others barraged them from India. And, it is also believed that Saibaba was first seen in Shirdi under a neem tree, as a young lad of 16 around 1858 until late 1918, the time when he took Mahasamadhi. During this time the Britishers had their domination over India.
I would also like to put on some questions to all such people with the grace of baba.!!
Q. Lord krishna is considered to be eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. He's God. He fought with kaliya naag, raised Govardhan parvat on his pinky finger (Smallest finger) and even defeated his Mama Kansa. Being a God, why didn't he fight the battle of Mahabharata all alone.? Why he let the battle of Mahabharata (the biggest battle known to Hindus mythology and mankind) took place.? Why didn't he fight himself to end all the chaos and avoid so much of Blood shed at Kurukshetra.?
Here's another query for "MUSLIMS".!
I personally don't have a religion. And, as much as I love the word "ALLAH", I love the word "Bhagwan" and "God". Cause, supreme is one and is without any form. I've read Quran and with a little knowledge, as much as I know, I would like to place forth this Query.!
Q. During the time of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon him) and the rule of Sakhr ibn harb (Abu sufyan) from Quraish tribe of Mecca, during 560 AD, a lot of war and blood shed took place for accepting Islam. Hamza ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib and others fought quite much along with Muhammad (PBUH) to establish a religion ordered by "Our God" through hazrat jibrail. Allah the almighty, being Supreme, still led this happen. Had the former wanted, no war would have ever been recorded and people (with the powers of Allah) might have adopted Islam with all their will. Why didn't this happen, if God the almighty is the Only creator, preserver and destroyer?
Well, there are many more queries I can put forth. All those people who think that Saibaba didn't play any role in the war for India's independence, I owe an answer to all of you. Before arriving to that answer, let me put an answer for the queries I have framed above. Any Hindu might be aware of the Upadesh given by Lord krishna to Arjuna when he hesitated to face the war against his own blood. Shri krishna (Our very own Sai baba) said to Arjuna that each person is bound to face the result of his karma (Karma Yoga). When a person takes birth, his destiny is bounded with him. So is his free will. But, this free will is bound at a certain stage until our past birth actions come into play. The God is the wire puller of this showcase of Universe. But, every time when God descended on to this planet, in avatar of Lord Rama, Krishna or Gautam Buddha, they were incarnated for a "Specific purpose". Shri krishna could have faced the war of Mahabharata alone, but he acted as a charioteer for Arjuna so that he could have given him the message of Karma Yoga, Jnana yoga, sankhya yoga, details about the soul and the path it traverse etc. He incarnated to show our world the path to Moksha (Mukti), to kill his mama Kansa thereby making the Mathura, liberal of evil. That was the task inherited by Lord Krishna. Similarly Lord Rama, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or Jesus were provided with separate tasks (Though they all are one and the same) and at different times. God takes an incarnation only when the evil starts dominating the good. The Avatar then wards off all the evil and gives us a way to attain oneness with God. Exactly what our Saibaba did.
Now the Answer for the very first Query.!!
Saibaba is our Savior, our God, who's responsible for India's freedom and played a vast role in the same. For people who don't know, extensive researches were done on Shri Saibaba of Shirdi. And, every time the miracles of Baba were beyond the reasoning and logic of Science. NOW SOMETHING THAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW. Very few people are aware about the fact, that Saibaba served in the army of Rani Laxmi bai of Jhansi who played an active role in Indian independence. According to some people, Sai baba of Shirdi was born on the outskirts of Pathri, district Parabhani in Maharashtra. According to a keen researcher BV kher Saibaba belonged to House number 4-438-61 of Vaishnav Gali. Baba during his age of 16 or so visited Shirdi and then left again for some four years. No one knows to where. But, From the following book by S.P. Ruhela, "What researchers say on SHIRDI SAI BABA" and "SRI SHIRDI SAI BABA The unique prophet of Integration" we get an account of where baba had been during those four years. As per the words said by Sainath maharaja and on the account of local people, baba said, "I grew up in Meurgad. When people pestered me I left for Girnar, there too people pestered me too much and I left for mount Abu (a hill station in Rajasthan). There too the same thing happened. Then I came to Akkalkot and from there to Daulatabad. Then I went to Pandarpur, from there I came to Shirdi." Baba once disclosed to his devotee Upasani Maharaj's elder brother Balkrishna Govind Upasini that he had seen the battle in which the Rani Laxmi Bai has taken part, as he was in her army. Rani Laxmi bai was one of the foremost freedom fighters in the first battle of Independence of the Indians with the British rulers in 1857, and she was killed in the battle in jate june in that year. It is likely that soon after her death in 1857 baba left the army service and have gone to Meurgad, Girnar, Mt.Abu, Akkalkot, Daulatabad and Pandarpur as mentioned above. [I have attached here a sample of the book mentioned above and Baba's talk with Balkrishna on Page number 32 ( 94 in book) for devotees and non devotees to see.] (However Hemadpant's Sai Satcharitra doesn't provide any such description). There is also an account in which Meher baba said that Sai baba of Shirdi, the highest jewel of all, had controlled World war 1. Refer to the page "Guru of Saibaba" of this blog for more information.

I can just try at the extremes, to reduce their demerits of upcoming births. I have an answer to most of your queries. I have seen various "HINDUS" who possess a problem with our beloved deity just because, he practiced some of the Islamic rituals and, uttered "Allah malik" (God is the sole protector and is one). I used to get a sum of mails questioning me about practices of God, our Saibaba. That's why, in place of replying to individual mails I composed this post for all the people who think, Saibaba was a fraud and are against him. The common query that the people against baba ask me draws back to the year when Saibaba incarnated in holy Shirdi and the Britishers were ruling over our country India. The other query goes with the question of Baba trying to reunite Hindus and Muslims under one bond, practicing the traditions of both the religions. I am no good at intellect, nor am I that capable to answer all your queries with the help of Bhagwad Geeta, Quran or Ramayana. But being a true devotee to Saibaba, I at least know that what my Baba really is. Before proceeding further I surrender my ego to the holy feet of Sainath Maharaja. And, I hope with his supreme and motherly love, those people who are against "Our God" will gain some brains and make their life more fruitful. So here are some common questions and their query in the order of High importance.
Q1. If Saibaba is a God incarnate, why didn't he free India from the captivity of Britishers.?
Well to any person who requires a query to go against Sainath will surely ask this question and will use it as a shield to prove their point. And, this question is apt. People ask, if he's God, he should have freed India while the Britishers were treating Indians like animals. People who are against him, have a say that he promoted magical tricks and, was not close to God as he didn't save our Country during that time. It is believed that "British Rule" in India started from c. 1600 and continued until late 1947, until our freedom fighters like MK Gandhi and others barraged them from India. And, it is also believed that Saibaba was first seen in Shirdi under a neem tree, as a young lad of 16 around 1858 until late 1918, the time when he took Mahasamadhi. During this time the Britishers had their domination over India.
I would also like to put on some questions to all such people with the grace of baba.!!
Q. Lord krishna is considered to be eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu. He's God. He fought with kaliya naag, raised Govardhan parvat on his pinky finger (Smallest finger) and even defeated his Mama Kansa. Being a God, why didn't he fight the battle of Mahabharata all alone.? Why he let the battle of Mahabharata (the biggest battle known to Hindus mythology and mankind) took place.? Why didn't he fight himself to end all the chaos and avoid so much of Blood shed at Kurukshetra.?
Here's another query for "MUSLIMS".!
I personally don't have a religion. And, as much as I love the word "ALLAH", I love the word "Bhagwan" and "God". Cause, supreme is one and is without any form. I've read Quran and with a little knowledge, as much as I know, I would like to place forth this Query.!
Q. During the time of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be upon him) and the rule of Sakhr ibn harb (Abu sufyan) from Quraish tribe of Mecca, during 560 AD, a lot of war and blood shed took place for accepting Islam. Hamza ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib and others fought quite much along with Muhammad (PBUH) to establish a religion ordered by "Our God" through hazrat jibrail. Allah the almighty, being Supreme, still led this happen. Had the former wanted, no war would have ever been recorded and people (with the powers of Allah) might have adopted Islam with all their will. Why didn't this happen, if God the almighty is the Only creator, preserver and destroyer?
Well, there are many more queries I can put forth. All those people who think that Saibaba didn't play any role in the war for India's independence, I owe an answer to all of you. Before arriving to that answer, let me put an answer for the queries I have framed above. Any Hindu might be aware of the Upadesh given by Lord krishna to Arjuna when he hesitated to face the war against his own blood. Shri krishna (Our very own Sai baba) said to Arjuna that each person is bound to face the result of his karma (Karma Yoga). When a person takes birth, his destiny is bounded with him. So is his free will. But, this free will is bound at a certain stage until our past birth actions come into play. The God is the wire puller of this showcase of Universe. But, every time when God descended on to this planet, in avatar of Lord Rama, Krishna or Gautam Buddha, they were incarnated for a "Specific purpose". Shri krishna could have faced the war of Mahabharata alone, but he acted as a charioteer for Arjuna so that he could have given him the message of Karma Yoga, Jnana yoga, sankhya yoga, details about the soul and the path it traverse etc. He incarnated to show our world the path to Moksha (Mukti), to kill his mama Kansa thereby making the Mathura, liberal of evil. That was the task inherited by Lord Krishna. Similarly Lord Rama, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) or Jesus were provided with separate tasks (Though they all are one and the same) and at different times. God takes an incarnation only when the evil starts dominating the good. The Avatar then wards off all the evil and gives us a way to attain oneness with God. Exactly what our Saibaba did.
Now the Answer for the very first Query.!!
Saibaba is our Savior, our God, who's responsible for India's freedom and played a vast role in the same. For people who don't know, extensive researches were done on Shri Saibaba of Shirdi. And, every time the miracles of Baba were beyond the reasoning and logic of Science. NOW SOMETHING THAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW. Very few people are aware about the fact, that Saibaba served in the army of Rani Laxmi bai of Jhansi who played an active role in Indian independence. According to some people, Sai baba of Shirdi was born on the outskirts of Pathri, district Parabhani in Maharashtra. According to a keen researcher BV kher Saibaba belonged to House number 4-438-61 of Vaishnav Gali. Baba during his age of 16 or so visited Shirdi and then left again for some four years. No one knows to where. But, From the following book by S.P. Ruhela, "What researchers say on SHIRDI SAI BABA" and "SRI SHIRDI SAI BABA The unique prophet of Integration" we get an account of where baba had been during those four years. As per the words said by Sainath maharaja and on the account of local people, baba said, "I grew up in Meurgad. When people pestered me I left for Girnar, there too people pestered me too much and I left for mount Abu (a hill station in Rajasthan). There too the same thing happened. Then I came to Akkalkot and from there to Daulatabad. Then I went to Pandarpur, from there I came to Shirdi." Baba once disclosed to his devotee Upasani Maharaj's elder brother Balkrishna Govind Upasini that he had seen the battle in which the Rani Laxmi Bai has taken part, as he was in her army. Rani Laxmi bai was one of the foremost freedom fighters in the first battle of Independence of the Indians with the British rulers in 1857, and she was killed in the battle in jate june in that year. It is likely that soon after her death in 1857 baba left the army service and have gone to Meurgad, Girnar, Mt.Abu, Akkalkot, Daulatabad and Pandarpur as mentioned above. [I have attached here a sample of the book mentioned above and Baba's talk with Balkrishna on Page number 32 ( 94 in book) for devotees and non devotees to see.] (However Hemadpant's Sai Satcharitra doesn't provide any such description). There is also an account in which Meher baba said that Sai baba of Shirdi, the highest jewel of all, had controlled World war 1. Refer to the page "Guru of Saibaba" of this blog for more information.
Well, this is more than enough for people who say, that baba played no role in the India's independence. Still if people have a say or a doubt in their minds, then to tell them even more. People who claim themselves as true Hindus from India should know that actual movement and last stages of freedom struggle began from 1920's after the Maha Samadhi of Sainath Maharaj. The first non cooperation movement began at the Calcutta session in 1919. Even during the time of Sai baba, Shirdi was under the captivity of Britishers, but Shirdi never felt the captivity in presence of Saibaba. While the whole India was under the control of Britishers, Shirdi enjoyed complete liberty under the grace of Lord Sai Ram. As the record says and Satcharitra claims, Many freedom fighters from Punjab and all over India came to seek baba's blessings. Baba sat in Shirdi but knew what was going around in the world. And, only during his presence and blessings did fight for India's freedom took a quantum leap. All the proof and researches say that BAL GANGADHAR TILAK and many other freedom fighters were devotees of Shirdi Saibaba. Saibaba already predicted that Mahatama Gandhi would come and win the fight for Indian independence. He revealed this to Bal gangadhar tilak, "Oka mahatmudu vasthadu, ayana valla mana desaniki swathantram asthundi" that translates to "A mahatama will come to our Country in the near future and help us to get Independence. And, just a little later his prophecy came true when in 1915 Gandhiji came to India and in 1919 started the quest of freedom in the India. This shows how omniscient our God our Sadguru baba is. And, he was the sole wire puller of this show. Only due to his incarnation and blessings did India see it's completely liberal phase. People like Hemadpant and Dasganu (Who worked under the British government) also suspected Sai baba during his stay in Shirdi. But when they went to take his Darshana they had fallen on his feet. Such was our deity, Sai baba. I think this much is enough for all the people who had asked me the query above. Still if not, then I would just say that those people don't want to see the truth in the blindness of Ignorance. Lord Sai bless you.
Q2. Saibaba used to smoke Chillum and eat meat.?
There are people who say that Sai baba used to smoke chillum being a Fakir. Well to all these people, I would just like to say that either you have no idea about the traits of God in Hinduism or you are completely eluded by your wrong knowledge. For a person well versed in Vedas and Hindu Mythology, Lord Shiva smokes chillum and Ganja. He's the lord of Aghoris who places smoking as a top priority. Our Lord Sai Ram is considered as an Avatar of Lord Shiva by many, and as dattatreya by others (Which is an union of Bramha, Vishnu and Shiva).
The other part, i.e. Sai baba eating meat. Sai baba is worshiped by both his Hindu and Muslim Devotees. In Satcharitra instances have been quoted where Sai baba cooked meat and served it to many. Many Hindus have an objection to this as they consider themselves as Pure vegetarian, and eating the flesh will get them polluted or will increase their bad Karma. I shouldn't answer to such people, because the scope of making them understand is beyond my caliber. Reason being, they shouldn't claim themselves as HINDUS. Because, eating meat has never been banned in Hinduism. And, as far as current scenario is concerned, 82% of the Hindus are Non vegetarian (In the remaining Hindus, a big set is of Brahmins). People who are thorough in Vedas might know, that the Vedas have never banned Flash eating. Even Krishna said that this Universe works in an orderly way. And, each living being that eats up other living being constitutes a part of Food chain (i.e. The work of God). And, Humans occupy the top place of this food chain where God have provided them with digestive system that can digest nearly everything. Had it been against the order of God, the latter would have not given him the capacity to digest flesh.! * Common sense *
Here I provide you with an account of Vedas and the specific rules it has set up for eating the flesh. (Note that the flesh eating is not abandoned but is provided as a concession by the Vedas following some specific rules).
The Rig Veda (10:87.16-19) speaks about the flesh of the cattle and the horses :-
Q2. Saibaba used to smoke Chillum and eat meat.?
There are people who say that Sai baba used to smoke chillum being a Fakir. Well to all these people, I would just like to say that either you have no idea about the traits of God in Hinduism or you are completely eluded by your wrong knowledge. For a person well versed in Vedas and Hindu Mythology, Lord Shiva smokes chillum and Ganja. He's the lord of Aghoris who places smoking as a top priority. Our Lord Sai Ram is considered as an Avatar of Lord Shiva by many, and as dattatreya by others (Which is an union of Bramha, Vishnu and Shiva).
The other part, i.e. Sai baba eating meat. Sai baba is worshiped by both his Hindu and Muslim Devotees. In Satcharitra instances have been quoted where Sai baba cooked meat and served it to many. Many Hindus have an objection to this as they consider themselves as Pure vegetarian, and eating the flesh will get them polluted or will increase their bad Karma. I shouldn't answer to such people, because the scope of making them understand is beyond my caliber. Reason being, they shouldn't claim themselves as HINDUS. Because, eating meat has never been banned in Hinduism. And, as far as current scenario is concerned, 82% of the Hindus are Non vegetarian (In the remaining Hindus, a big set is of Brahmins). People who are thorough in Vedas might know, that the Vedas have never banned Flash eating. Even Krishna said that this Universe works in an orderly way. And, each living being that eats up other living being constitutes a part of Food chain (i.e. The work of God). And, Humans occupy the top place of this food chain where God have provided them with digestive system that can digest nearly everything. Had it been against the order of God, the latter would have not given him the capacity to digest flesh.! * Common sense *
Here I provide you with an account of Vedas and the specific rules it has set up for eating the flesh. (Note that the flesh eating is not abandoned but is provided as a concession by the Vedas following some specific rules).
The Rig Veda (10:87.16-19) speaks about the flesh of the cattle and the horses :-
"The fiend who smears himself with flesh of cattle, with flesh of horses and of human bodies,
Who steals the milch-cow's milk away, O Agni,—tear off the heads of such with fiery fury.
The cow gives milk each year, O Man-regarder let not the Yātudhāna ever taste it.
If one would glut him with the biesting, Agni, pierce with thy flame his vitals as he meets thee.
Let the fiends drink the poison of the cattle; may Aditi cast off the evildoers.
May the God Savitar give them up to ruin, and be their share of plants and herbs denied them.
Agni, from days of old thou slayest demons never shall Rākṣasas in fight o’ercome thee.
Burn up the foolish ones, the flesh-devourers let none of them escape thine heavenly arrow."
Who steals the milch-cow's milk away, O Agni,—tear off the heads of such with fiery fury.
The cow gives milk each year, O Man-regarder let not the Yātudhāna ever taste it.
If one would glut him with the biesting, Agni, pierce with thy flame his vitals as he meets thee.
Let the fiends drink the poison of the cattle; may Aditi cast off the evildoers.
May the God Savitar give them up to ruin, and be their share of plants and herbs denied them.
Agni, from days of old thou slayest demons never shall Rākṣasas in fight o’ercome thee.
Burn up the foolish ones, the flesh-devourers let none of them escape thine heavenly arrow."
— Rig Veda (10.87.16-19)
When thrice the men lead round the Steed, in order, who goeth to the Gods as meet oblation,
The goat precedeth him, the share of Pūṣan, and to the Gods the sacrifice announceth.
The goat precedeth him, the share of Pūṣan, and to the Gods the sacrifice announceth.
They who observing that the Horse is ready call out and say, the smell is good; remove it;
And, craving meat, await the distribution,—may their approving help promote labour.
The trial-fork of the flesh-cooking caldron, the vessels out of which the broth is sprinkled,
The warming-pots, the covers of the dishes, hooks, carving-boards,—all these attend the Charger.
And, craving meat, await the distribution,—may their approving help promote labour.
The trial-fork of the flesh-cooking caldron, the vessels out of which the broth is sprinkled,
The warming-pots, the covers of the dishes, hooks, carving-boards,—all these attend the Charger.
Yajurveda mentions Ashvamedha or the Horse sacrifice, and even the Purushamedha or the Human sacrifice. However later is purely Ritualistic.
Lord krishna message, "Sarva-yonishu kaunteya (BG 14.4)" meaning that there is spirit in all the living creatures. Lord Krishna said that if a person eats flesh then he engages himself in Maya. Our Saibaba was never drenched in the inscrutable power of Maya. He used to control Maya and everything that happened. He was free from all the Maya for he was Our Lord Krishna. He controlled the cycles of Birth and death. He knew the best for his devotees. He knew what action was right and which deed was to be proceeded. As far as Some Hindus are concerned, "flesh eating" cannot accuse a person for being a Musalman. Cause many Hindus these days feed upon Flesh.
Q3. Saibaba Abused the population at Shirdi and was Outrageous (being a Saint) at time.?
Many people ask me that Sai baba was a Saint, and he shouldn't have been angry. In Satcharitra, it had been mentioned that Saibaba abused at some events (Even in the start of Chapter, the story of Grinding wheat, he abused women who were taking away the wheat flour with them). In chapter 42, "Baba's passing away", it had been mentioned that in 1916, Baba gave an indication of his passing away. On Vijayadashmi day baba at once got into wild rage in the evening when people were returning from Seemollanghan. Taking off his head dress, kafni, langota etc, he tore them and threw them in the dhuni before him. He stood there stark naked and with his burning red eyes shouted, "You fellows, now have a look and decide finally if I am a Moslem or Hindu". Many other instances have been quoted by Hemadpant where Sai Ram was in utmost anger. There is a meaning to all these phases of Our Sai baba. Firstly, baba never abused a person. The Satcharitra says about the word "Abuse". It doesn't say the words jargon, slant or argot. Which dictionary says that Abuse is the misuse of words in context of Sexual harassment of Mothers/Sisters.? If people associate the word "Abuse" with just the cheap slang they use in present days, then I would just say that these people have cheap mentality and are a dark spot to the society. There are always two sides of a coin. One is often positive while the other being negative. Such people always look at the negative side. "Abuse" is a term which stands for "Improper use of something (i.e. words), basically an insult or "SCOLDING". Every time during our infancy while we committed a mistake, our parents used to Scold us. Had we then said that they used jargon.? Did we say that they scolded us with words threatening Mothers/Sisters identity.? Did we.? No.! Because we knew, that we had committed a mistake and they scold us for our good. Similarly Sai baba, our only mother and father, so caring, scolded his beloved children for their good. Baba scolded them at their deeds and Love for Maya. When the women were taking away the wheat flour they didn't ask baba about the same. Lost in the Maya and their ignorance, they took away the wheat flour. When Baba abused them, they were freed from the bondage of Maya and realized their faults. It was the motherly Love of our baba which cured the devotees in a Unique way. When baba in 1916 became angry, it was his Natraj phase. Our Lord Sai and Shiva are one and the same. At various occasions, God used to turn outrageous. Many instances are there in all the religious texts. In Hinduism many a times Lord Indra was at rage, and the rain continued for many days. At times, the Pavan dev was in anger, depriving earth of all the Oxygen. And, many a times, Lord Shiva showed his immense phase as a Destroyer. Our Lord Sai (Shiva) often showed up his anger, for the welfare of his devotees. No one knows how and why, but it surely had done away with all the bondage of Maya. Such is our Mother Sai, Our Sai Appa.
These are just some Answers in the huge river of knowledge where people who are driven away by their Ignorance can get a new beginning. Just bow to Our Lord Sai nath and feel the difference in your life for yourself. Have a visit to Shirdi and get free from all the illusions of Samsar to lead a happy life. Still if you don't believe in Saibaba, I would just like to give a message. Even during the time of Baba Sai, many people were against him. But, Our baba Loved each one of them with all his heart. A pauper and a king are equally important to our baba sai. But, please know the truth, and make your life even more fruitful by submitting in the holy feet of Lord Sai. Else you won't do any harm to others, but just your own self by increasing your demerits of the present birth and next. Sai helps everyone. And, baba is our True master.
- Sanyam Saidas
Lord krishna message, "Sarva-yonishu kaunteya (BG 14.4)" meaning that there is spirit in all the living creatures. Lord Krishna said that if a person eats flesh then he engages himself in Maya. Our Saibaba was never drenched in the inscrutable power of Maya. He used to control Maya and everything that happened. He was free from all the Maya for he was Our Lord Krishna. He controlled the cycles of Birth and death. He knew the best for his devotees. He knew what action was right and which deed was to be proceeded. As far as Some Hindus are concerned, "flesh eating" cannot accuse a person for being a Musalman. Cause many Hindus these days feed upon Flesh.
Q3. Saibaba Abused the population at Shirdi and was Outrageous (being a Saint) at time.?
Many people ask me that Sai baba was a Saint, and he shouldn't have been angry. In Satcharitra, it had been mentioned that Saibaba abused at some events (Even in the start of Chapter, the story of Grinding wheat, he abused women who were taking away the wheat flour with them). In chapter 42, "Baba's passing away", it had been mentioned that in 1916, Baba gave an indication of his passing away. On Vijayadashmi day baba at once got into wild rage in the evening when people were returning from Seemollanghan. Taking off his head dress, kafni, langota etc, he tore them and threw them in the dhuni before him. He stood there stark naked and with his burning red eyes shouted, "You fellows, now have a look and decide finally if I am a Moslem or Hindu". Many other instances have been quoted by Hemadpant where Sai Ram was in utmost anger. There is a meaning to all these phases of Our Sai baba. Firstly, baba never abused a person. The Satcharitra says about the word "Abuse". It doesn't say the words jargon, slant or argot. Which dictionary says that Abuse is the misuse of words in context of Sexual harassment of Mothers/Sisters.? If people associate the word "Abuse" with just the cheap slang they use in present days, then I would just say that these people have cheap mentality and are a dark spot to the society. There are always two sides of a coin. One is often positive while the other being negative. Such people always look at the negative side. "Abuse" is a term which stands for "Improper use of something (i.e. words), basically an insult or "SCOLDING". Every time during our infancy while we committed a mistake, our parents used to Scold us. Had we then said that they used jargon.? Did we say that they scolded us with words threatening Mothers/Sisters identity.? Did we.? No.! Because we knew, that we had committed a mistake and they scold us for our good. Similarly Sai baba, our only mother and father, so caring, scolded his beloved children for their good. Baba scolded them at their deeds and Love for Maya. When the women were taking away the wheat flour they didn't ask baba about the same. Lost in the Maya and their ignorance, they took away the wheat flour. When Baba abused them, they were freed from the bondage of Maya and realized their faults. It was the motherly Love of our baba which cured the devotees in a Unique way. When baba in 1916 became angry, it was his Natraj phase. Our Lord Sai and Shiva are one and the same. At various occasions, God used to turn outrageous. Many instances are there in all the religious texts. In Hinduism many a times Lord Indra was at rage, and the rain continued for many days. At times, the Pavan dev was in anger, depriving earth of all the Oxygen. And, many a times, Lord Shiva showed his immense phase as a Destroyer. Our Lord Sai (Shiva) often showed up his anger, for the welfare of his devotees. No one knows how and why, but it surely had done away with all the bondage of Maya. Such is our Mother Sai, Our Sai Appa.
These are just some Answers in the huge river of knowledge where people who are driven away by their Ignorance can get a new beginning. Just bow to Our Lord Sai nath and feel the difference in your life for yourself. Have a visit to Shirdi and get free from all the illusions of Samsar to lead a happy life. Still if you don't believe in Saibaba, I would just like to give a message. Even during the time of Baba Sai, many people were against him. But, Our baba Loved each one of them with all his heart. A pauper and a king are equally important to our baba sai. But, please know the truth, and make your life even more fruitful by submitting in the holy feet of Lord Sai. Else you won't do any harm to others, but just your own self by increasing your demerits of the present birth and next. Sai helps everyone. And, baba is our True master.
- Sanyam Saidas
आपके शानदार ब्लॉग के लिए आपको बधाई ॐ साईं राम
ReplyDeleteShukrya Ajay ji :) Om Sai ram
ReplyDeleteA very very good informative and fact containing post Mr Sanyam.!
ReplyDeleteI am very thankful.
Om Sai Ram.. Baba bless us all
Om Shri Sai nathay namah
ReplyDeleteNice :)
- Anmol naik
Thankyou everyone :-)
ReplyDeleteOm Sai nathay namah.
Very informative. Thanks. May SaiRam bless all. Jai Said Ram.
ReplyDelete:) Jai Sai ram Mr anonymous
ReplyDeleteAs ardent Sai devotees, we need not defend Lord Sai. Doubts will be answered by the Lord himself. Just. surrender. Om Sri Sai Ram.
ReplyDeletesanyam shrivastav well done dear ...keep it up om sai raam , my baba is my world nd i wuld always keep loving him.... om sai raam
ReplyDeleteThankyou so much :) Om Sai ram
ReplyDeletesai baba enemies will buy my books in future like his likers as lovers....
ReplyDeleteDoes that annoy you to know all will fall to lotus feet without force ot thunder..
its destiny, you know your destiny?
be not fraud. be not liar, be not jelopus all bounded by rites of judgment.
need no one be selfs to supremity.
what can a angle give really to another angel... except competition...
I person wrote this on board..
ReplyDeleteAnonymous= Eve in montreal..........
you will not get charity as you hoped in excess from many lies... lies lead to illusion.
ReplyDeleteillusion gives the opportuinity to the slave or that being limited to be free and carefree and allow others karma be, be it loss, death, grief. un-happiness, hope, etc.... fix own karma now..
"Fix own karmas now" and "Lies", will you please elaborate eve?
ReplyDeleteThank you dear Blogger. I am an ardent devotee of the Fakir and my name is also the same. I have tried to convince many of Baba's leelas but these questions always remained unanswered. Thank you dear prabu.
ReplyDeleteMay the Fakir be compassionate towards all, and may he look after his children
Very well done..., :)
ReplyDeleteThe fakir has always been compassionate and will always be! :)
ReplyDeleteOm Sai ram, and you're most welcome. Thankyou for scrolling through this blog. May baba bless us all.
Thank you Anonymous 2.! :) Om Sai Ram.
ThankYou.. I have been asking this question to THE FAKIR for a a long time now.. I am finally found the answer... Not answers to all questions have been satisfactory... But serves my purpose.. Trenches my thirst
ReplyDeleteI would request you to further read this page, as it covers all the other topics left here.
Still if you don't feel satisfied, you can comment all your queries. I will provide you with the best possible answers! :) Thank you
Om Sai Ram
only one thing above all to prove it is wrong
ReplyDeleteयान्ति देवव्रता देवान् पितृन्यान्ति पितृव्रताः
भूतानि यान्ति भूतेज्या यान्ति मद्याजिनोऽपिमाम्
गीता में भी भगवान श्रीकृष्ण कहते हैं कि भूत प्रेत, मूर्दा (खुला या दफ़नाया हुआ अर्थात् कब्र अथवा समाधि) को सकामभाव से पूजने वाले स्वयं मरने के बाद भूत-प्रेत ही बनते हैं.
My dear Anonymous brother and a puppet of Swaroopanand,
ReplyDeleteSrila Baladeva Vidyabhusana a 16th century saint from the Brahma Madhva Vaisnava Samparadaya has stated that those who are pious and reverent, those who are of controlled senses and those sincerely performing their daily spiritual duties are qualified to read Srimad Bhagavad-Gita.
Did you do any hard tapascharya to understand the divine Bhagavad Gita?
I fully consent on your shloka.
Here is a Shloka to prove you wrong, after which i'll further clear your misconception.
"eeshavaraha sarvabhootaanaam hriddesherjuna tishthati |
bhraamayansarvabhootaani yantraroodhaani maayayaa || 18:61"
Says that Ishwar (Parmatama Vasudev shri krishna) is seated in the hearts of all and is the doer of all Karmas of Humans.
पहले ये समझे की भूत प्रेत योनि मे कौन जाते हैं?
जिन्होने आजीवन धार्मिक कार्य ना करते हुए बुरे कर्म किए हैं| और ऐसे मुर्दो को पूजते हैं जिन्हे ईश्वर पे विश्वास ना था या स्वयं पथ भ्रष्ट थे| आप अपने माता पिता को पूजने से प्रेत योनि को प्राप्त नही हो जाते हैं. ऐसे तो ईश्वर के प्यारे अनेको मुसलमान भाई हमारे, प्रेत होते, और आप मा बाप की तस्वीर घर मे रखने के लिए. परंतु समाधि हम जैसे साधारण मनुष्य नही ले सकते. समाधि वो लेता है जो एक सिद्ध पुरुष या अवतार होता है, या अल्लाह का भेजा हुआ औलिया| जो समाधि लेता है वो ईश्वर के साथ योगी बन चुका होता है| योग को जीतने वाला स्वयं हरि हो जाता है| यदि संदेह है तो एक बार फिर गीता का ४ अध्याय पढ़ें| महा योगी परम सत्य होते हैं, और संत का सच्चा स्वरूप. जिसे योग ही ना आए वो कैसे संत? और जहा तक बाबा की बात है, तो साईं बाबा योगिराज थे| स्वयं पतंजलि स्वरूप, जिन्हे खंड योग तक आता था. जिन्होने अपने भीतर निर्विकार परम्ब्रह्म की अनुभूति करवाई थी| गीता मे भगवान ने कहा था की संत मेरा ही स्वरूप हैं| अंत: साईं नाथ भगवान स्वरूप थे, जिनकी अर्चना सीधे वासुदेव की सदगति प्राप्त करवाती हैं|
''न मां दुष्कृतिनो मूढाः प्रपद्यन्ते नराधमाः।
माययापहृतज्ञाना आसुरं भावमाश्रिताः ॥
यान्ति देवव्रता देवान् पितृन्यान्ति पितृव्रताः।
भूतानि यान्ति भूतेज्या यान्ति मद्याजिनोऽपिमाम्।।
अन्तवत्तु फलं तेषां तद्भवत्यल्पमेधसाम् ।
देवान्देवयजो यान्ति मद्भक्ता यान्ति मामपि ॥''- गीता
भावार्थ : माया द्वारा जिनका ज्ञान हरा जा चुका है, ऐसे आसुर-स्वभाव को धारण किए हुए, मनुष्यों में नीच, दूषित कर्म करने वाले मूढ़ लोग मुझको नहीं भजते।...भूत प्रेत, मूर्दा (खुला या दफनाया हुआ अर्थात् कब्र अथवा समाधि) को सकामभाव से पूजने वाले स्वयं मरने के बाद भूत-प्रेत ही बनते हैं।...परन्तु उन अल्प बुद्धिवालों का वह फल नाशवान है तथा वे देवताओं को पूजने वाले देवताओं को प्राप्त होते हैं और मेरे भक्त चाहे जैसे ही भजें, अन्त में वे मुझको ही प्राप्त होते हैं।
Read this last line also.
If you are a believer of Almighty, you reach him, no matter what the path is.
P.S. My dear brother, there's a reason that Saibaba is worshipped more than any other deity. The reason is plain and simple. Those who came to him to prove him false, saw their respective deities, like Pandurang, Rama and nirvikaar brahma in him. A yogiraj (full of ego) went to him to prove that he cannot attain samadhi and isn't a yogi. When he saw baba in pieces, he could only utter,
"Baba is no other than Sat-chit-anand, para brahman. Who knows everything, and has won over Yoga Sadhana."
Are we more capable than such a yogi to criticize such a godly Saint?
Use your own Viveka, and don't follow swaroopanand and others. A siddhi is one where you never say ill of a reverred siddha. Like everyone was equal to baba. No one can compete him.
First get drained into kriya yoga, and then read about baba. You'll surely have his darshana. I promise this much. Don't ruin your good karmas.
May Lord bless you
Allah Malik
Om Namoh bhagvate Vasudevaye
P.S. To prove wrong is an act of ego and ignorance. Soul (God) is seated within everyone. Realize it.
You'll be in peace. I know your life has many problems. Those will fade away with grace of baba.
Om Sai nath
All those who are criticizing siddh sai smarth maharaj must first of all ask that shankaracharya to perform even a single yogic exercise...he wud not be able to even stand on one foot and he is commenting on a world renowned siddh vishnu avtar shree sai nath....read sai satcharitra...where baba has himself declared that he is the supreme god(vishnu)...if god can take avtar as a king, a fish, etc he can also come in the form of a fakir...he does not need shankaracharya's permission before taking avatar....if god can come as krishna and can organise mahabharat...the same god can come as shirdi sai nath to end all ur problems and to lift ur life's weight...
ReplyDeleteThe motive of god vishnu to take an avatar of fakir was just to show that be humble to all....love all....care for all....help all....when even god can practice such a compassion, love then why cannot human biengs?? In satcharitra it is given that a ram devotee cam to test this so called muslim fakir...but when he entered the mosque he found lord RAM sitting in place of sai baba....while he was astonished he touched lord RAM's feet...as soon as he turned his head up he found sai baba there...now does shankaracharya has any answers for this miracle???....people lik shankaracharya must be hanged to death
ReplyDeleteOm Sai Ram !! He is manifestation of the supreme..these are all his leelas ..!! Verynice blog!!
ReplyDeleteShri Sacchitananda Sadguru Sainath Bhagwan ki Jai. !!
Dont waste your time praying to false powers.Hinduism did not Ban meat Eating. But meat eating is Never Godly. Shiva never smokes or drinks or eats meat.
ReplyDeleteGood article.....but very sad that after such a fabulos writing ...you copyrighted and declared that copying n publishing is punisable.....definitely Saibaba hasnt taught these.....to share knowkedge or information is a crime for u....agree with Saibaba facts that HE is perfect ....not agreeing with some arguments of urs....thanks
ReplyDeleteThanks Aakash for the detailed comment and emphasis on incarnation.
ReplyDeleteThanks to you too Kelvin. Sadhguru Sainath Maharaja ki Jai.
Dear Sanjay Nayak Ji,
ReplyDeleteThe Copyrighted caption has been added on the last, because some people used the aforesaid information and exploited it for the wrong causes.
Thankyou for the comment. But for Genuine seekers of knowledge, the copyrights have been removed for free publishing and circulation.
Knowledge is to be shared, not spoiled in one's personal motives.
Jai Sainath maharaja
Dear Muralikrishna ji,
ReplyDeleteI would like to recommend you to read some books on Tantric Hinduism. Tantra, which is one of the traditions cultivated within the Vedic Sanatan Dharma, has such practices which are aptly justified for the realization, but fall out of the code of conduct.
Aapne Sai Baba K Virodhiyo ko muh Tod jawab Diya hai....Sai Ram��☝
ReplyDeleteSai bless us all...and fill the heart with love nd peace nd brush away all d clutter.
ReplyDeleteOm Sai Ram
Thanks a lot for your explanations. I just love my Sai..he is my true father..my Lord.. Sai always protects me like a father and mother protect his daughter. I am nothing without Sai. Sai is satguru..He helps us meet our God. He helps us to become good humans. Sai tells us to follow the religion of mankind.
ReplyDeleteThe British did NOT treat Indians like animals. Minor individual cases are far more in number of such treatment today, when Indians rule Indians. I have heard many accounts of British rule from Indians who lived and worked under the British, and they ruled with order and rights for everyone. At their peak there was only 10,000 British in India... the rest of the empire consisted of Indian people working under the British government.
ReplyDeleteNor did Britain "partition" India - a common myth. The partition was solely the creation of Muhammad Jinnah and his desire for an Islamic state, which he got the inspiration from the jihad and invasion Muslims committed in Israel.
India's true suffering came from Islamic rule. That is where the country got looted and lost over 400 million people to pure islamic slaughters.
om sai ram.well done admin.kafi shanti mili read kr ke .sai pr se vishvas hilana namumkin hai kyunki sai ke sbhi bhkto ne unki shkti ko feel kiya maine khud bhoot bar kiya hai .pta nhi jo baba ko glt kehte unka kya hoga sai unhe sadbudhi de .koi insan jo mrji kr le likh de keh de pr sai ko glt sabit nhi kr skta kyunki sai to bhagwan hai insan kbhi bhagwan se jeet nhi skta .uska sboot ye hai ki shnkracharya ke lakh chahne ke baad bhi aaj bhi logo ko apne sai pr vishvas hai jinhe nhi unhe gyan ki kmi hai bs or kuch nhi.kisi ke kehne se hm apne bhagwan ko nhi thukra skte jisne hmesha hme maa ki tra smbhala hai.insan ki budhi kabhi bhi bhagwan ki leelayo ko na smjh ski na smjh payegi.isliye kabhi god pe swal nhi uthana chaiye .sai ko bhoot pret kehne valo ko kehna chahungi ki bhoot hmesha bhagwan ke naam se bhagte hai "om sai ram" sai ke to agge om lgta hai or piche ram .or om sai ram ka jaap krte mn ko shanti feel hoti hai ye bhakt he smjh skte hai or om sai ram kehne se baba paas ate hai bhagte nhi to kaise maan le ki baba bhagwan nhi hmesha sath dete hai dreams me bhi ate hai or kya kya btayu apne baba ke bare me unki mhima ka ant nhi hai .koi bhagwan aisa nhi jiski insano ne alochna na ki ho apni soch ke anusar .jinki soch gndi hai unhone pta nhi kya kya likh diya sai ke bare me or jiski achi thi usne muh tod jwab bhi diya .sai ek he hai pr do logo ki soch alg alg hai .ek sai topic pr ghtiya soch vale ne kuch or he mtlb nikala sai ki leela ka or achi vale ne acha paksh dikhya.bs soch ka antr hai sai to ache the hai or rhenge.ajj croro log sai bhagt hai shkti hai tabhi log mante hai vrna itne sant sadhu hai duniya me log unhe nhi bhagwan keh dete .sai sadharan hote to itni duniya kyu ati unke dwar pr .om sai ram
ReplyDeleteThank you I was very upset with all non believers of baba I feel why baba allowing all to say bad for him .I have experienced many times his miracle love and I Don want to be apart from him by hearing bad about him I fear for that .I love you baba you might be angry or having chills but you cared me like a father lovingly so I won't care for other comments bad about you
ReplyDeleteI always believe in Sai Ram only. The one and only one GOD is my life. No one has seen Krishna or even Rama. They just follow the veda. But in reality, Sainath is the only one whom has followed all the veda and remain truth. Those wanted to see Krishna or any other GOD can see through Shirdi Sai Ram. He is God Incarnate. Please read Sai Satcharita and you will know all the truth. I have read many times and I am still reading now and will always read this book. Let others talk bad about Shirdi Sai Ram and please do not bother. You remain faith and follow the teaching of Sai Ram. Please do not angry with these people who talk bad about Sai Ram. Sai Ram ever says that we should even pray for our enemies. So always have faith in Sai Ram and be happy. Bow to Sri Sai, peace be to all.
ReplyDeleteAs you being huge follower of Sai baBa please clear my doubt, when I went for the first time to Shirdi to seek darshan, I saw in front of God there were lot of photos of follower, some were from the past and others were recent photos of bhakts, in between them I didn't find the photo of Bal Gangadhar tilak, so to clear my doubt i asked the security person who was standing near the God about the missing photo and to my shocking he said I am holding this doubt not only me but many in their hearts but you have said from your mouth. So please clear my doubt????
ReplyDeleteVery well done brother. Thankyou for this blog. But I have problem with a youtube channel.
ReplyDeleteChannel link: https://youtu.be/eIMah5QQfr8
This guy is spreading so much hatred against sai baba. I want you to make a separate blog to answer each and every ques of this man so that every sai bhakt who started believing this guy could come again on right path after seeing your blog. Please notify me too after you create such a blog. Thankyou.. Om sai ram
Sai was not god. He may be good saint, but whatsoever he was, as a Hindu we e always praise people who does good for society, and Sai's contribution was to keep harmony in society. Pls don't judge him only because of few so called miracles which we saw in movie or serial however, the influence of that so called miracle was very limited to few peoples within a small village of Shirdi and now one knew him beyond 100 kms of beyond Shridi.
ReplyDeleteI visited Shridi many times and worship him like a god and my parents, relatives and wife also, but matter of fact is could not counter my faith against fact.
Fact is Sai did not do any great noticeable job in his life and I have to overcome from my faith. We hesitate to do this under illusion of some unknown mis-happening or give credit to Sai for all good happened in our life.
Seondly, the history of Sai is just 100 years old and as a country / Economy/ Society and religion, we were ok, since ages.
Ignorant folk like you must be banned from even commenting on any of these posts. OM SAI RAM.
DeleteHi everyone, I am Sharon. from Poland I want to use this medium to appreciate Dr Ogbeifun the great black magic death spells caster for the successful death spells he cast on someone for me. I contacted him when my husband left me for another woman who uses witchcraft power to take my husband. I was desperately in need of help when I found his contacts online about his genuine powers. I told him my situation and how I wanted the bitch who took my husband gone. He told me not to worry. He cast the death spells ritual on her and the bitch died in her sleep within 24hours. Now my husband is back home and we are living happily. Thank you so much Dr Ogbeifun, You are so real and true. Below is his contacts in case you want to contacts him
ReplyDeleteCall/WhatsApp: +2348102574680 Email: ogbefunhearlingtemple@gmail.com
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ReplyDeleteLooking for right solution for your problems? Sai Baba Answers to get precise information for your problems. Tamil Typing offer great answers for all your questions. Sai Baba Live Darshan
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But what did he teach, he never once uttered 'Sabka Malik Ek' inspite of crores of Devis and Devas, why do we always need a Baba???
ReplyDeletetraitor chand mia...you burn in hell
ReplyDeleteMay your ignorance help you. OM SAI RAM.
ReplyDeleteMa ki chhot sai baba ki
ReplyDeleteWe give only one day respect for people who fought for independence during struggling for independence but I never heard about sai baba fight for independence he has spiritual and magical powers on that time and he was born in 1838? —died October 15, 1918 between these two years so many people died for independence then what baba is doing
ReplyDeleteDid you see any Muslim as ardent follower of Sai ??
ReplyDeleteThanks Satyendra
ReplyDeletefor sharing details about
Dinesh MN, a senior Indian Police Service (IPS) officer, currently serving as Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (ADCP) in the Crime Branch of Rajasthan Police. Known for his integrity and effectiveness, he has been instrumental in handling complex criminal cases in the state. His investigative acumen and leadership have earned him respect across law enforcement agencies. Over the years, Dinesh MN has garnered a reputation for his contributions to law and order, especially in dealing with organized crime, making him a prominent figure in Rajasthan's policing framework.
It is only such Hindu thought that has elevated this person at a level of a Guru. The level of assumptions made to justify the greatness of this person is testament to the level of Knowledge and faith of the Devoted Hindus who see God in all creation.
ReplyDeleteYou can continue to be delusional with the PR.
Pray to your Kula Devi, Ishta Devi, Avatars, unmanifest Shiva, a mountain or a tree. The amount of knowledge and blessings is based on the capacity of the Devata or thing you pray to.
Your prayers are ultimately answered by Lord Krishna only as said in Bhagavatgita.
How much was the donation of Shirdi temple to Ram temple in Ayodhya?