In Sai Satcharitra, we come across an account of babas words, which testify that our baba had a Guru too. I will help you with all the mandatory information in this context. Our baba is really great. In chapter XVIII and XIX, under the subheading of Mrs Radhabai of Sai satcharitra, baba gives complete account of Guru bhakti and his Guru. I would like to request all the readers to kindly close your eyes and remember shri Sainath maharaja before reading this story from Satcharitra.
P.S. The story added hasn't been re-written, but copied from the PDF edition of Shri Sai Samarth Satcharitra, by Rev Hemadpant.
P.S. The story added hasn't been re-written, but copied from the PDF edition of Shri Sai Samarth Satcharitra, by Rev Hemadpant.
"Mrs. Radhabai Deshmukh
There was an old woman by name Radhabai, She was the mother of one Khashaba Deshmukh. Hearing Baba's fame, she came to Shirdi with the people of Sangamner. She took Baba's darshan and was much satisfied. She loved Baba intimately and resolved in her mind, that She should accept Baba as her Guru, and take some Upadesh from Him. She knew nothing else. She determined to fast herself unto death, so long as Baba did not accept her, and give her any Upadesh or Mantra. She stayed in her lodging and left off taking any food or water for three days. I was frightened by this ordeal of the old woman, and interceded with Baba on her behalf. I said, "Deva, what is this You have started? You drag so many persons here. You know that old lady. She is very obstinate and depends on You entirely, She has resolved to fast unto death, if You don't accept and instruct her. If any thing worse happens, people will blame You, and say that Baba did not instruct her, and consequently she met her death. So take some mercy on her, bless her and instruct her." On seeing her determination, Baba sent for her, changed the turn of her mind by addressing her as follows:-
"Oh mother, why are you subjecting yourself to unnecessary tortures and hastening your death? You are really My Mother and I am your child. Take pity on Me and hear Me through. I tell you My own story, which if you listen carefully, will do you good. I had a Guru. He was a great Saint and most merciful. I served him long, very long; still he would not blow any Mantra into My ears. I had a keen desire, never to leave him but to stay with and serve him; and at all costs receive some instructions from him. But he had his own way. He first got my head shaved and asked Me two pice as Dakshina. I gave the same at once. If you say that as My Guru was perfect, why should he ask for money and how should he be called desireless? I replied plainly that he never cared for coins. What had he to do with them? His two pice were (1) Firm Faith and (2) Patience or perseverance. I gave these two pice or things to him, and he was pleased.
"I resorted to My Guru for 12 years. He brought Me up. There was no dearth of food and clothing. He was full of love nay, he was love incarnate. How can I describe it? He loved Me most. Rare is a Guru like him. When I looked at him, he seemed as if he was in deep meditation, and then we both were filled with Bliss. Night and day, I gazed at him with no thought of hunger and thirst. Without him, I felt restless. I had no other object to meditate, nor any other thing than My Guru to attend. He was My sole refuge. My mind was always fixed on him. This is one pice Dakshina. Saburi (Patience or perseverance) is the other pice. I waited patiently and very long on My Guru and served him. This Saburi will ferry you across the sea of this mundane existence. Saburi is manliness in man, it removes all sins and afflictions, gets rid of calamities in various ways, and casts aside all fear, and ultimately gives you success. Saburi is the mine of virtues, consort of good thought. Nishtha (Faith) and Saburi (Patience) are like twin sisters, loving each other very intimately."
"My Guru never expected any other thing from Me. He never neglected Me, but protected Me at all times. I lived with him, and was sometimes away from him; still I never felt the want or absence of his love. He always protected Me by his glance, just as the tortoise feeds her young ones, whether they are near her or away from her on the other side of the river bank, by her loving looks. Oh mother, My Guru never taught Me any Mantra, then how shall I blow any Mantra in your ears? Just remember that Guru's tortoise-like loving glance gives us happiness. Do not try to get Mantra or Upadesh from anybody. Make Me the sole object of your thoughts and actions; and you will, no doubt, attain Paramartha (the spiritual goal of life). Look at Me whole-heartedly, and I in turn look at you similarly. Sitting in this Masjid, I speak the truth, nothing but the truth. No Sadhanas, nor proficiency in the six Shastras, are necessary. Have faith and confidence in your Guru. Believe fully, that Guru is the sole Actor or Doer. Blessed is he who knows the greatness of his Guru and thinks him to be Hari, Hara and Brahma (Trimurti) Incarnate."
Instructed in this way, the old lady was convinced; she bowed to Baba and gave up her fast. "
Author's Note : As we can see in this incidence of Satcharitra, how baba mentioned about his Guru and his traits. Many would then ask, baba being the supreme needed no Guru. Why he had a Guru? The answer of this query is given in the Satcharitra itself. Once Saibaba told that irrespective of any status, each one needs a Guru. Every one wants someone to show them the righteousness. No matter how spiritually advanced a seeker is. On the path of Spirituality, "Guru Sisya" tradition is must. Following the same tradition of the eternal dharma, Sanatan dharma, God himself when manifested as Rama and krishna, attended to the Guru Vashishta and Sandpani. One may then impose a query, "What about Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar then? They are the Trimurthis in Hindu deities; who'll be a Guru to them? As we all need a Guru, the three supreme deities are Guru to each other. Brahma is dependent on Vishnu, Vishnu on Shiva and Shiva on Brahma. As Lord Shiva is known as the destroyer; hadn't Lord Brahma created anything, what would have been there to be destroyed? Hadn't Vishnu preserved it, what would have been there to be created. As a matter of fact, they are interdependent and worship each other. And thus, even our baba being the supreme was generous enough to follow the pure tradition mentioned in the holy Scriptures. And he descended on this planet in the form of a human for the sake of his bhaktas (Devotees). And to comply with the laws of this Universe, our baba too had a guru.
Author's Note : As we can see in this incidence of Satcharitra, how baba mentioned about his Guru and his traits. Many would then ask, baba being the supreme needed no Guru. Why he had a Guru? The answer of this query is given in the Satcharitra itself. Once Saibaba told that irrespective of any status, each one needs a Guru. Every one wants someone to show them the righteousness. No matter how spiritually advanced a seeker is. On the path of Spirituality, "Guru Sisya" tradition is must. Following the same tradition of the eternal dharma, Sanatan dharma, God himself when manifested as Rama and krishna, attended to the Guru Vashishta and Sandpani. One may then impose a query, "What about Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwar then? They are the Trimurthis in Hindu deities; who'll be a Guru to them? As we all need a Guru, the three supreme deities are Guru to each other. Brahma is dependent on Vishnu, Vishnu on Shiva and Shiva on Brahma. As Lord Shiva is known as the destroyer; hadn't Lord Brahma created anything, what would have been there to be destroyed? Hadn't Vishnu preserved it, what would have been there to be created. As a matter of fact, they are interdependent and worship each other. And thus, even our baba being the supreme was generous enough to follow the pure tradition mentioned in the holy Scriptures. And he descended on this planet in the form of a human for the sake of his bhaktas (Devotees). And to comply with the laws of this Universe, our baba too had a guru.
Reverting to our topic, the biggest query that might be coming in head of our readers might be, "Who was then, the guru of our Sadhguru Saibaba?". I read a lot of stuff on the very same thread, and found these two names, associated with the Guru of our Sadhguru maharaj Sainath. The former name is Venkusa while the latter is Zarzari Zar Baksh. Though Sai satcharitra gives no account on the name of Saibaba Guru, the name "Venkusa" is reported from the work of Dasganu, Shri Sai Gurucharitra (Dasganu was among the foremost devotees of baba, who composed some treaties on the Saints of Maharashtra with the grace of baba Sai).
According to Sai Gurucharitra, Saibaba was handed over to Venkusha while he was 4. Venkusha (Also named Venkudas) was a devotee of Lord venkateshwar. Baba was considered to be an incarnate of Kabir. Venkusha had close relations with Saibaba. Other students of venkusha were jealous of it. Saibaba used to do all that venkusha asked for. Venkusa protected the boy by staying with him every moment. Since the village people found that it was very difficult to kidnap the boy, they decided to kill him. That night was Chaturdasi, a day prior to full moon. The conspirators (Jealous students and villagers) were discussing the methods of killing the boy. They had not brought knives or sticks with them. There were no big stones nearby . While this was the situation, Venkusa and the boy prepared to go to sleep.
The boy had peaceful sleep, whereas Venkusa could not sleep as he was preoccupied with thoughts of the boy. One of the conspirators, with a view not to delay their plan further, took a brick which was lying nearby and wanting to kill the boy at one stroke, proceeded towards him. Venkusa who was half asleep, suddenly opened his eyes and found the brick coming towards the boy’s head. He at once put his own head in the path of the brick which hit his forehead and caused bleeding. With blazing eyes, Venkusa cursed him, who fell dead the next moment. Hearing the commotion the boy woke up from his sleep and observed everything. The other two conspirators who were at a distance ran away, lest they would have also died by the curse of Venkusa.
This claim was made by Revered Meher baba, one among the perfect saints of time. According to Meher Baba, Sai is the Qutub-e-Irshad, the head of the spiritual hierarchy, and the leading Perfect Master of his time. Meher Baba credited his advent to Sai, Upasni and three other Perfect Masters – Babajan, Tajuddin Baba and Narayan Maharaj.
'All five of these Perfect Masters have brought me down and my Avataric state comprises the five states of these five Perfect Masters', he said once. Every age has five such Masters, who possess simultaneously God-Consciousness and normal consciousness of man.
Readers of Sai Charita may recall that Sai would beg every day for bread in Shirdi. He continued begging up to his last days in 1918. Giving the secret behind Sai's begging, Meher Baba said: 'The houses represented the five Perfect Masters who are always living in the world, and at whose feet the whole universe begs for spiritual and material progress'.
Meher Baba met Sai only once, that too when the World War I was raging. Meher was still a young Zoroastrian, Merwan Sheriar Irani, the son of a first generation Iranian parents settled in Pune. He had just lost gross consciousness and was in a dazed state. That was all because of Hazarat Babajan. One day in May 1913, she kissed 'my beloved son' on the forehead to accomplish her 'mission' of 'unveiling' Merwan.
Sai was returning from the lendi procession, when he spotted the Zoroastrian. The eyes of the young man and the eyes of the old man steadily gazed at each other. And according to Lord Meher, the great word came out of the old fakir's mouth, ''Parvardigar! When the youngman fell at his feet also, Sai uttered the word 'Parvardigar'!
Parvardigar is an Islamic term for the Protector or Preserver of creation. The daily prayer, Meher Baba gave, also begins with the words, 'O Parvardigar'.
There was a crowd of devotees when the 'meeting' took place in December 1915. In other words there were witnesses to the 'extraordinarily' significant event.
A devotee of meher baba and eye witness says..
'There is no mention of the meeting (Sai and Meher) in Sai Charita. I have not come across Sai devotees speaking about the meeting either. But I met one person who was a witness to the incident', the Professor told me when I met him at Meherabad last fortnight.
And that witness is no ordinary person either. Because he went on to become a great person in his own right and was accepted at home and abroad as an authority on Vedanta and Yoga. He met Meher Baba and sat at His feet as He gave darshan to people from the East and the West in Pune. I recorded his name only phonetically. So I will give his name in my next column after checking the spelling with Prof Rathore. Also after getting some more details.
To go back to that December morning at Shirdi, it is interesting to hear from Bhau Kalchuri, who wrote Lord Meher and devoted ( on the directions of Meher Baba himself) the opening pages of the book to the five Perfect Masters of our time.
Says Bhau, 'The crowd surrounded Sai and pushed the young Meher aside. Sai returned to his seat. And Meher, who was still Merwan, picked himself up and continued wandering along the dusty road'.
From Sai, Meher wandered into the Khandoba temple, where Upasni had been fasting. He was naked, sitting outside on the steps of the temple as the youngman slowly walked forward with folded hands. 'Looking directly at Meher, Upasni picked up a stone, stood up and threw it at the youngman striking him on the forehead with such force that the wound bled'. The stone hit at the very spot Babajan had kissed. Afterwards, Meher and Upasini went inside the temple and stayed alone for two days.
From all accounts, it was with Upasni that Meher Baba was closely associated in the early days of His Avataric life. The two met off and on for seven years. And at one time, Meher Baba lived at Sakori continuously for six months in 1921.
On the day Meher left, Maharaj said, 'You are Adi Shakti' and declared, 'I am handing over my keys to you'.
On his directions, some of his closest disciples became Meher Baba devotees. One of them was Gulmai of Ahmednagar, in whose house, the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Trust is located today. Her son Adi became Meher Baba's secretary. And her husband, Sarosh, bought from the British army the land at nearby Arangaon village, which has since become the Meherabad.
A facet of Sai Baba, many of his devotees may not know is that he had controlled World War I. Meher Baba himself disclosed the nugget. According to Lord Meher, 'at that time (during the war) when he was walking between the mosque and the temple, a strange light would be seen on his (Sai) face. It was also noticed that he would make strange signs in the air with his fingers. This behavior continued daily for four years, from the start of World War I to its conclusion'.
Interestingly, Meher Baba took recourse to this very strange sign language to speak through his silence.
There is a phase in Sai Baba's life about which nothing much is known even according to Sai Charita. It relates to the period before he settled down in Shirdi.
Meher Baba disclosed the 'missing' details on June 5, 1927, when he took a few of his close disciples to Khuldabad, near Aurangabad. "The tomb of Sai Baba's Master is here (Khuldabad)", he told them and gave the name of the Master as Zarzari Zar Baksh.
Baksh lived some 700 years before Sai. So, how was it possible for the two meet even?
Replied Meher Baba, 'You have no idea of how great is the grace of the Perfect Master. While Zarzari Zar Baksh was alive, Sai, in a previous incarnation, was his disciple. The Master's grace descended upon him at that time; however, it carried over and made him perfect after 700 years. Zarzari Zar Baksh means Giver of the Wealth. This he gave to Sai'.
Sai was inwardly drawn to be near his former Master. He entered a cave overlooking the tomb of Zarzari Zar Baksh, and stayed inside for several years without leaving for food or water. He became God-realized during this period. He was fully conscious of himself as God, 'Anal Haq'; but he was completely oblivious of his own human body and the world around him. Sai remained in this 'dazed' state of an emaciated fakir for over four years."
According to Sai Gurucharitra, Saibaba was handed over to Venkusha while he was 4. Venkusha (Also named Venkudas) was a devotee of Lord venkateshwar. Baba was considered to be an incarnate of Kabir. Venkusha had close relations with Saibaba. Other students of venkusha were jealous of it. Saibaba used to do all that venkusha asked for. Venkusa protected the boy by staying with him every moment. Since the village people found that it was very difficult to kidnap the boy, they decided to kill him. That night was Chaturdasi, a day prior to full moon. The conspirators (Jealous students and villagers) were discussing the methods of killing the boy. They had not brought knives or sticks with them. There were no big stones nearby . While this was the situation, Venkusa and the boy prepared to go to sleep.
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Dasganu maharaj : Author of Guru charitra |
The boy tore off a piece of cloth from his dress and cleaned the injury suffered by Venkusa. They were staring at each other with different thoughts in their minds. While Venkusa was thinking that even at the risk of losing his life, he would hand over the boy as Guru to posterity, the boy was thinking how to repay the debt to his Guru for having protected him. Thus the hearts of Guru and disciple became one, ideas became one, with love and affection in harmony. Such should be the binding force between Guru and disciple.
The sun began to rise in the east with the red rays spreading over the sky. Venkusa and the boy both took their bath in the river. Venkusa milked a nearby cow and puring the milk into the hands of the boy, imparted all the remaining powers he had and commanded the boy to bring to life one of the conspirators who lay dead due to the curse given by Venkusa. The boy washed the toe of the right foot of the Guru and sprinkled this water on the dead person who came alive, saying he regreted his attempt to kill the boy and sought his pardon.
Venkusa wanted to give the boy all the valuable ornaments he was wearing but the boy declined to have them. Instead he requested Venkusa to give him the brick which had hit him on his forehead while saving him (boy) from the murderous attack. Overwhelmed by his request and with tears rolling down from his eyes, Venkusa gave him the brick with his blessings. He wished that the brick always be the boy’s companion and life partner. The boy also requested Guru Venkusa to give him the piece of cloth drenched with blood while cleaning his injury. Moved emotionally by such a request Venkusa tied the cloth piece around the forehead of the boy and declared that it would protect the boy at all times. He told him to proceed along the banks of river Godavari and the place where he found complete peace would be abode. He also advised him to keep away from women and wealth . Afterwards Venkusa proceeded to Selu along with the revived person.
After walking for three days along the banks of River Godavari, the boy reached a place called Kopargaon in the year 1854, Margashira month on the third day after full moon. After taking rest for a day, he again proceeded and reached the village of Shirdi by evening. Not willing to approach anyone for shelter, he began to live under the shade of a big neem tree.
All the Baba devotees might know about this brick. All these incidents were an outcome of research done by Ganpatrao in nearby villages and then compiled in Guru charitra. My question being, Sai satcharitra is older compared with guru charitra, and the former being a work started with babas grace by the Hemadpant. Why then, it does not have any account of Venkusha? And moreover, the brick incidence ceases us to believe the story. None except Baba himself exactly knows about his Mysterious Life. Many claims are there, in which the Das ganu's work is more prominent than others. Let's now move on to another claim, about guru of Saibaba.
This claim was made by Revered Meher baba, one among the perfect saints of time. According to Meher Baba, Sai is the Qutub-e-Irshad, the head of the spiritual hierarchy, and the leading Perfect Master of his time. Meher Baba credited his advent to Sai, Upasni and three other Perfect Masters – Babajan, Tajuddin Baba and Narayan Maharaj.
'All five of these Perfect Masters have brought me down and my Avataric state comprises the five states of these five Perfect Masters', he said once. Every age has five such Masters, who possess simultaneously God-Consciousness and normal consciousness of man.
Readers of Sai Charita may recall that Sai would beg every day for bread in Shirdi. He continued begging up to his last days in 1918. Giving the secret behind Sai's begging, Meher Baba said: 'The houses represented the five Perfect Masters who are always living in the world, and at whose feet the whole universe begs for spiritual and material progress'.
Meher Baba met Sai only once, that too when the World War I was raging. Meher was still a young Zoroastrian, Merwan Sheriar Irani, the son of a first generation Iranian parents settled in Pune. He had just lost gross consciousness and was in a dazed state. That was all because of Hazarat Babajan. One day in May 1913, she kissed 'my beloved son' on the forehead to accomplish her 'mission' of 'unveiling' Merwan.
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Meher baba.. Gave account of Zari zari baksh. |
Sai was returning from the lendi procession, when he spotted the Zoroastrian. The eyes of the young man and the eyes of the old man steadily gazed at each other. And according to Lord Meher, the great word came out of the old fakir's mouth, ''Parvardigar! When the youngman fell at his feet also, Sai uttered the word 'Parvardigar'!
Parvardigar is an Islamic term for the Protector or Preserver of creation. The daily prayer, Meher Baba gave, also begins with the words, 'O Parvardigar'.
There was a crowd of devotees when the 'meeting' took place in December 1915. In other words there were witnesses to the 'extraordinarily' significant event.
A devotee of meher baba and eye witness says..
'There is no mention of the meeting (Sai and Meher) in Sai Charita. I have not come across Sai devotees speaking about the meeting either. But I met one person who was a witness to the incident', the Professor told me when I met him at Meherabad last fortnight.
And that witness is no ordinary person either. Because he went on to become a great person in his own right and was accepted at home and abroad as an authority on Vedanta and Yoga. He met Meher Baba and sat at His feet as He gave darshan to people from the East and the West in Pune. I recorded his name only phonetically. So I will give his name in my next column after checking the spelling with Prof Rathore. Also after getting some more details.
To go back to that December morning at Shirdi, it is interesting to hear from Bhau Kalchuri, who wrote Lord Meher and devoted ( on the directions of Meher Baba himself) the opening pages of the book to the five Perfect Masters of our time.
Says Bhau, 'The crowd surrounded Sai and pushed the young Meher aside. Sai returned to his seat. And Meher, who was still Merwan, picked himself up and continued wandering along the dusty road'.
From Sai, Meher wandered into the Khandoba temple, where Upasni had been fasting. He was naked, sitting outside on the steps of the temple as the youngman slowly walked forward with folded hands. 'Looking directly at Meher, Upasni picked up a stone, stood up and threw it at the youngman striking him on the forehead with such force that the wound bled'. The stone hit at the very spot Babajan had kissed. Afterwards, Meher and Upasini went inside the temple and stayed alone for two days.
From all accounts, it was with Upasni that Meher Baba was closely associated in the early days of His Avataric life. The two met off and on for seven years. And at one time, Meher Baba lived at Sakori continuously for six months in 1921.
On the day Meher left, Maharaj said, 'You are Adi Shakti' and declared, 'I am handing over my keys to you'.
On his directions, some of his closest disciples became Meher Baba devotees. One of them was Gulmai of Ahmednagar, in whose house, the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Trust is located today. Her son Adi became Meher Baba's secretary. And her husband, Sarosh, bought from the British army the land at nearby Arangaon village, which has since become the Meherabad.
A facet of Sai Baba, many of his devotees may not know is that he had controlled World War I. Meher Baba himself disclosed the nugget. According to Lord Meher, 'at that time (during the war) when he was walking between the mosque and the temple, a strange light would be seen on his (Sai) face. It was also noticed that he would make strange signs in the air with his fingers. This behavior continued daily for four years, from the start of World War I to its conclusion'.
Interestingly, Meher Baba took recourse to this very strange sign language to speak through his silence.
There is a phase in Sai Baba's life about which nothing much is known even according to Sai Charita. It relates to the period before he settled down in Shirdi.
Meher Baba disclosed the 'missing' details on June 5, 1927, when he took a few of his close disciples to Khuldabad, near Aurangabad. "The tomb of Sai Baba's Master is here (Khuldabad)", he told them and gave the name of the Master as Zarzari Zar Baksh.
Baksh lived some 700 years before Sai. So, how was it possible for the two meet even?
Replied Meher Baba, 'You have no idea of how great is the grace of the Perfect Master. While Zarzari Zar Baksh was alive, Sai, in a previous incarnation, was his disciple. The Master's grace descended upon him at that time; however, it carried over and made him perfect after 700 years. Zarzari Zar Baksh means Giver of the Wealth. This he gave to Sai'.
Sai was inwardly drawn to be near his former Master. He entered a cave overlooking the tomb of Zarzari Zar Baksh, and stayed inside for several years without leaving for food or water. He became God-realized during this period. He was fully conscious of himself as God, 'Anal Haq'; but he was completely oblivious of his own human body and the world around him. Sai remained in this 'dazed' state of an emaciated fakir for over four years."
(Credits for story of Meher baba and baba Sai : Asiantribune)
Having read both of these stories, two are the different claims about Gurus of our Sainath. The latter being claimed by Meher baba (Prominent in chain of greatest saints of the Maharashtra), while former by Das Ganu (One of the closest devotee of Saibaba). It is said that Saibaba must have spent am equal amount of time with a Mahomedan and with a Hindu. His outfit was like a fakir; an Islamic personality. He always uttered, "Allah malik" (One is the Master). One cannot appropriately claim him a Mahomedan as he's well versed in the Vedas and other scriptures. He had an exceptional command over the Sanskrit language. He's an Ocean, where the gems of all the religions were found. Such was our baba, our very own Saibaba! Who ever may be the guru of Saibaba, they might have been sure, that how great were they, as they were chosen to be the Guru of the Sadguru of the Universe. Let's prostrate to that master of our very own Saibaba, and to our baba Sai.
Hari Om tat Sat
Om Shri Sai Nathaye Namah
Hari Om tat Sat
Om Shri Sai Nathaye Namah
I enjoyed reading this article. Sai Baba is an Avatar Incarnate. Just.surrender without doubts and questions.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading this article. Sai Baba is an Avatar Incarnate. Just.surrender without doubts and questions.
ReplyDeleteHi, I have visited Venkusa's Samadhi very recently. When I heard about Saibaba's guru. I did some research, googled and found this place. I would like to narrate this instance in detail. Myself and one of my friend started early morning to visit the place and seek blessings. We started from Bangalore at 7.45 AM..... We kept on traveling and could not find the place till almost 1.20 AM. Finallym when we were passing through a small village. We saw around 4 to 5 people seated below a tree. When we were enquiring about this place, suddenly a aged person with white dhoti and kurta came to us and said. I know the place however, you will have to take me in the car. We requested him to sit the back seat of my car. After 10 mins he asked us to play some audio. As usual I played songs of Saibaba..... In a span of 35 to 40 mins, the person who was seated in the backseat said, stop the car you are right infront of the temple. The temple was closed, he said not worry, called the pujari and the darshan done for us. After the darshan, he said you have taken a very long route and said, please drop me to my village and from there you have to just travel 15 to 20 kms to reach the Hyderabad highway and from there to Bangalore. We took him in our car again and after 4 kms he said this is my village, got down and left. We reached Bangalore on 1.45 hours. He was our Saibaba... Its a small temple in a place called Hussainpur... You can search for Penukonda in google map and I can always guide if anybody wants to visit. I am from Bangalore and my contact number is 9880757778..... Om Sai Ram.
ReplyDeleteThankyou for sharing your wonderful experience. You are blessed.
ReplyDeleteWe look forwards to seeing your pictures.|
Om Sai Ram dear devotee.
thank for your valuable information
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome
ReplyDeleteHari Om Tat Sat
kindly post Saibaba's Guru - Venkusa's photos if available
ReplyDeleteThere are no available photos of Guru Venkusha.
i want to go to venkusa temple...pls let me know the exact location
ReplyDeleteSamadhi and temple of shri venkusa is at Selu village in dist. Parbhani, marathwada, maharashatra
DeleteOm. Sai ram when i read thus story i git goose bumps om. Sai ram. Please guide me aslo to this temple. You are a blessed person now om. Sai ram
ReplyDeleteom sai ram i want to make guru to bab sai and want to get deeksha what should i do
ReplyDeleteom sai ram i want to make guru to bab sai and want to get deeksha what should i do
ReplyDeleteAdi ant eko avatara soi kahiye guru hamara.these words of gurbani preach us that guru doesn't mean any body form it is thy formless lord who comes into being to tell the truth to people having forgotten who they are and where they would go after this body sharir me hona chahihye even after reading the preachings of satguru sainath .pls search for a tatvagyani or a living guru only he shall end ur despair with the lord god Almighty.
ReplyDeleteBrahmagyana vina partha sarv Karya nirarthakam.words in bhagwat gita .characteristic of lord god as written in bhagwad is nainum chidhanthi shastrani nainum dahatich pavak.shastra mujhe kaat nhi Sakta agni mujhe jalati naa. Paani ka koi asar naa ispe hawa isse sukhati naa.ajanma Lekin Sharir dharan karta hai apni hi pehchaan khud batata hai.soi janahi jehi Dehi janayi janat tumhi tumhi hoi jaati as written in sri ramcharitmanas by tulsidasji
ReplyDeleteThank you for this! Our Baba is indeed all-knowing, all-compassionate supreme being. And we are fortunate to be under his protection. Om Sai Ram
ReplyDeleteDear sir, indeed our Baba has guided you and made sure that you had the Darshan. You are indeed blessed.
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bY THE Grace of Shirdi Sai Baba and his Guru,Sri Venkusa Swami, i was fortunate to visit his Samadhi, which is near to Penukonda, around a hour and half from bangalore. Please go to Penukonda town and enquire with the local people how to reach Hussianpura, they will direct you there. My Brother in law, Mr Sridhar Murty, who is accossiated with this Samadhi temple of Hussianpur, stays nearby in Pavagada, his cell No. 09611353848, could be contacted. My cell 8660283166-Mohan, Bangalore. Telugu book is being translated to english, shortly by the Grace of Shirdi Sai Baba and his Guru,Sri Venkusa Swami,could see publication.
ReplyDeletePlease not not the the distance between Hussianpura could be around 3 to 4 hours. Please start start early morning to return back by sunset
ReplyDeleteMany schools have been established under the enlightenment of Swami to help children understand human values along with attaining academic excellence.
ReplyDeletemadhusudan naidu
madhusudan naidu muddenahalli
Learning is an ever-evolving process. Each and every instance shapes our life in one way or the other.
ReplyDeletemadhusudan Naidu
madhusudan Naidu muddenahalli
Education is a basic necessity of life. And rural children need to have a taste of education to uplift their life and the rural sector.
ReplyDeletemadhusudan naidu muddenahalli
madhusudan naidu
this is fantastic information and makes sense... this means that Shirdi sai Babaji had two gurus- one a hindu and another a muslim peer--- whilst he was a reincarnation of Kabir das- i would like to know then how can we say that swami samarth akkalkot maharaj is also the Guru of shirdi ke sai babaji -- it must be all true - but we have to get some more information- May Babaji bless us with the correct information- ameen--- but we do accept that our shirdi ke Sai babaji was God HIMSELF --- no doubt about it ...
ReplyDeleteEducation should be aimed at moulding students on the lines of human values such as love, peace, righteousness and non-violence.
ReplyDeletemadhusudan naidu muddenahalli
madhusudan naidu muddenahalli
Om sai shree sai Jay Jay sai.
ReplyDeleteOm sai shree sai. Very beautiful article. Thanks for sharing this.
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I have been reading a lot about the the Datta avatars- they all claim very rightly that Shirdi ke sai babaji is a datta avatar- they are all merged in shirdi ke sai babaji- we will get all the blessings of swami samarth in shirdi itself- so it is best to concentrate on devotion to shirdi ke sai babaji ...
ReplyDeleteArticle gives great pleasure to heart which is abode of God Saibaba
ReplyDeleteom sai u sai baba
ReplyDeleteMay our beloved Baba's love and grace cover the entire mankind and all living beings be uplifed.
ReplyDeleteAum Sai Ram. Please share here the temple whereabout. Tq. Sai Saranam
ReplyDeleteIts great information, thanks for shairing this to us
Are Venkusa and Venkavadhootha one and the same? The Hussainpura temple was earlier known as the place of Venkavadhootha who foretold Sri Kondama Raju about Sai Baba's birth in his family.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing this wonderful and inspiring information. I should thank my friend Santhoshji, for sharing this beautiful information with me.
Good evening. I am looking for Guru Venkusa's photo. Where can I find it, please?
ReplyDeleteOm Sai Ram
ReplyDeleteI am KSN Murthy residing in Aurangabad near Shirdi more than 8 years.
ReplyDeleteSadguru of sri Shirdi Sai Baba was Sri Keshavraj Babasaheb Maharaj shortly known as Sri Venkusa Maharaj whose Mandir is at Selu, District Parbhani (Marathwada), Maharashtra.
further details please call me on my number 7774024436
ReplyDeleteI have personally visited the place and saw where the Shirdi Saibaba physically moved. I have published "Naam Jap" Om Keshavayanamah" each page to be written for 108 times and the book contains 54 pages. this book is distributed free of cost to all the devotees. I am trying to attach the pictures of this but not able to do that. thank you suryanarayana Murthy
According to me Baba was parabrhaman incarnated and manifested as sadhguru to teach us the way to God...Om sri sai nathaya namha
ReplyDeleteOm Sairam
ReplyDeleteNo one answer me just because am sinner
ReplyDeletekind information for you best sai baba temple in nemli
ReplyDeleteThink positive when Sai Baba is with you n everyone
ReplyDeleteTo meet Yogi's and Mahatma s especially when they are alive in a physical body is a great blessings to have their Dharshan. Padma Bhushan awardee Shri M., Yogi, Modern Mystic who is the author of 'Apprenticed to A Himalayan Master'- A Yogi's Autobiography, which has been translated into various languages across the world, has reached a huge readership and YouTube fallowing especially among the educated young. To know more about him and the wisdom of India, it is best to read the above National Best seller. Available online in Flipkart/Amazon. Sri M undertook a Padayatra of 7500 kms for Nation and spiritual resurgence of 'Humanity is One - Vasudeva Kutambakam'., which the most loveable PM Modi ji has made this words, world famous, called Sri M as soon as the Padayatra' reached the borders of Gujarat from Delhi to welcome. Which ever state the Padayatra reached, the People and the CM would join and walk, whatever the distance they could with sheer Love of Humanity, irrespective of cast, creed or religion and similarly, all the Places of worship opened the doors to this "Peace Padayatra'" from different parts of the world with out-streached Hearts n arms to welcome.
ReplyDelete. 'The Journey continues' is also a Outstanding Book.....Sequel to his autobiography. Very rear for a Yogi to come out in the public....and shout from the roof top.....not 1 or 2 , but many past life times story of Sri M s earlier life's. Sri M cares for all of us, when you meet Him,you feel he is your own and He feels the same, or it the other way round, that is why we feel so.? Whoever or what ever background you come from.....he says, " If i Can....why not you. You can reach the Supreme beyond life and death., while living" Extremely.. rare treasure Book for the life time.
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