"Kaashi mathura kaaba tujhme, sab hai saibaba Tujhme". Someone witnessed Lord hanuman in him, someone saw Lord Shiva in him. Some came and said, they see their Guru nanak in him, while some said Baba is no other than Pir of Allah. Others claimed of seeing the Jesus Christ in him. Anyone who wanted to go to the Ganges, Mecca or Golden temple for their pilgrimages, found the same at Shirdi. Presence of Saibaba made the village of Shirdi, a Tirtha (Place of pilgrimage). There was no place for discrimination at Shirdi. Many people believe in Saibaba, irrespective of their religion. Our baba was such a God-incarnate. His nectar like words caused immense pleasure to the listeners. Agnihotri ji saw the supreme personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna in him while Das Ganu saw his Vithoba of Pandharpur in him. He's the god, anyone had faith in. He even revealed the Gurus of others in his own body, thus showing how he's present in all that is seen as an act of MahaMaya. He even revealed the Nirguna Swarupam Brahma (formless God), unveiling how he's the very source of creation, and beyond the curtains of Prakriti (The Universe is made of two aspects : Purusa, or the brahma, and Prakriti, or the maya; in the Dwaita concept of Sanatan Dharma). He was in all, and all in him. He is the sole reality, the Atman (Soul). In this Universe of Maya and falsehood, he incarnated to wake the people from deep sleep of unconsciousness, to end the discrimination, to make people realize the power of Maya, and help them attain self-realization. He was for his devotees. Our baba omniscient and omnipresent. One who considered baba as a Muslim, heard from him the verses from the Gita and the Scriptures. Someone who said he's a Hindu, heard the Arabic verses from the Quran and the Hadith. He was and is all pervasive. Many people still argue about the God, of which our baba was an incarnation.
Many people claim that Saibaba is an avatar of Lord Dattatreya (The trimurti). Lord Dattatreya is an union of three supreme (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva). He is the god who rests upon a cow, having six arms and three faces (To symbolize the Trimurti in him; though he has a single face with attributes of all three). He holds the trident (like Shiva) in one of his middle hands. And a discus (like Vishnu) in his right upper arm. The four dogs around him, represent the four Vedas.
Incarnations of Lord Dattatreya
Lord Dattatreya is believed to have taken these incarnations :
-> Sripad Vallabha from PithaPuram. From around 1320 AD to 1350 AD.
-> Narsimha Saraswati lived from 1378 to 1459 (Shaka 1300 to Shaka 1380). Saraswati was born into a Deshastha Brahmin family in Karanjapur.
-> Manik Prabhu, was an early 19th century Hindu saint, philosopher, poet and mystic. The Sai Baba of Shirdi is said to have met Manik Prabhu at Humanabad. The legend about Sai and Prabhu's meet narrates how Sai in his fakir's attire visited Prabhu and asked to fill his cup (lota) with money. As Prabhu's brother Tatya Saheb tried to fill it, it never could be filled. Realizing Sai's spiritual nature, Prabhu put two dried dates and flowers in it and the cup immediately filled up. Sai accepted the dates and flower and poured back more money than that could be occupied in the cup.
-> Swami Samartha of Akkalkot, MahaSamadhi 1878.
-> Sai baba of Shirdi, Maha Samadhi 15th October 1918.
-> Gajanan Maharaj of Shegaon, It is not known when he was born but his first known appearance, perhaps as a youngster in his 20s, dates to February 1878. He took Samadhi on 8 September 1910.
-> Balekundri Pant Maharaja, who took MahaSamadhi in 1905.
-> Gulwani Maharaja, who took MahaSamadhi in the year 1914. They all had the same soul working in different bodies for the uplift of mankind, to attune them to God, and give them the path of Self realization. My Humble Obeisance to all the great incarnations.
In Guru Charitra it is mentioned that Saibaba was an incarnation of the lord Dattatreya. In Sai Satcharita Chapter XXVI, the following incident helps us to know, how all pervasive Saibaba related himself to Swami Samartha (the third incarnation of Dattatreya). I would once again request the readers, to close their eyes and prostrate in front of Sadhguru Sainath maharaj, before reading this story from Sai Satcharitra.
Saibaba is the Supreme; one with all the spiritually advanced souls in all the lokas in the Universe. May he bless us all eternally.
Samasta Lokah Sukhinah Bhavantu
Hari Om tat Sat
Om Shri Sainathaye Namaha
Many people claim that Saibaba is an avatar of Lord Dattatreya (The trimurti). Lord Dattatreya is an union of three supreme (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva). He is the god who rests upon a cow, having six arms and three faces (To symbolize the Trimurti in him; though he has a single face with attributes of all three). He holds the trident (like Shiva) in one of his middle hands. And a discus (like Vishnu) in his right upper arm. The four dogs around him, represent the four Vedas.
Incarnations of Lord Dattatreya
Lord Dattatreya is believed to have taken these incarnations :
-> Sripad Vallabha from PithaPuram. From around 1320 AD to 1350 AD.
-> Narsimha Saraswati lived from 1378 to 1459 (Shaka 1300 to Shaka 1380). Saraswati was born into a Deshastha Brahmin family in Karanjapur.
-> Manik Prabhu, was an early 19th century Hindu saint, philosopher, poet and mystic. The Sai Baba of Shirdi is said to have met Manik Prabhu at Humanabad. The legend about Sai and Prabhu's meet narrates how Sai in his fakir's attire visited Prabhu and asked to fill his cup (lota) with money. As Prabhu's brother Tatya Saheb tried to fill it, it never could be filled. Realizing Sai's spiritual nature, Prabhu put two dried dates and flowers in it and the cup immediately filled up. Sai accepted the dates and flower and poured back more money than that could be occupied in the cup.
-> Swami Samartha of Akkalkot, MahaSamadhi 1878.
-> Sai baba of Shirdi, Maha Samadhi 15th October 1918.
-> Gajanan Maharaj of Shegaon, It is not known when he was born but his first known appearance, perhaps as a youngster in his 20s, dates to February 1878. He took Samadhi on 8 September 1910.
-> Balekundri Pant Maharaja, who took MahaSamadhi in 1905.
-> Gulwani Maharaja, who took MahaSamadhi in the year 1914. They all had the same soul working in different bodies for the uplift of mankind, to attune them to God, and give them the path of Self realization. My Humble Obeisance to all the great incarnations.
In Guru Charitra it is mentioned that Saibaba was an incarnation of the lord Dattatreya. In Sai Satcharita Chapter XXVI, the following incident helps us to know, how all pervasive Saibaba related himself to Swami Samartha (the third incarnation of Dattatreya). I would once again request the readers, to close their eyes and prostrate in front of Sadhguru Sainath maharaj, before reading this story from Sai Satcharitra.
" Satcharitra : Adhyay V
A devotee of Akkalkot Maharaj by name Bhai Krishnaji Alibagkar worshipped the photo of Akkalkot Maharaj. He once thought of going to Akkalkot (Sholapur District), taking the darshana of the Padukas (foot-prints) of the Maharaj and offering his sincere worship there; but before he could go there, he got a vision in his dream. Akkalkot Maharaj appeared in the vision and said to him - "Now Shirdi is my resting place, go there and offer your Worship." So Bhai changed his plan and came to Shirdi, worshipped Baba, stayed there for six months and was happy. As a reminiscence of this vision etc., he prepared the Padukas and installed them on an auspicious day of Shravan, Shaka 1834 (1912 A.D.) under the Neem tree with due ceremonies and formalities, conducted by Dada Kelkar and Upasani. One Dixit Brahmin was appointed for worship, and the management was entrusted to devotee Sagun."
The Story of Padukas (foot-prints) under the Neem Tree :
![]() |
Lord Dattatreya and akkalkot maharaj |
This incidence reveals, how baba was only akkalkot maharaj. And how Sainath maharaj is related to Mahraj Dattatreya as an Incarnate. Even many such other incidences are there.
Saibaba is the Supreme; one with all the spiritually advanced souls in all the lokas in the Universe. May he bless us all eternally.
Samasta Lokah Sukhinah Bhavantu
Hari Om tat Sat
Om Shri Sainathaye Namaha
Mr/Ms. Anonymous, first of all being a good "Human" (Neither Hindu nor Muslim), i pray for your good health and prosperity, and pray that our most merciful and all pervading baba, blesses you. As far as your query of India's independence is concerned, it seems like you were in a haste to criticize Sai, that you didn't even bother to scroll through other pages of this blog.
Just refer to this link, as it will answer much of your queries.
It seems like you have been moved quite much with the comments made by "SWAMI SWAROOPANAND" (In order to get him highlighted : He denied baba at the same time utilizing him for publicity). So let me make it very clear to you, that in Sanatan religion, Akhadas are much more important than a specified Shankracharya. Head of "Thirteen" akhadas (Including the Kalki peethadheshwar), went to Shirdi on 15th July 2014, and stayed at holy Shirdi for a week. They studied carefully the life of Sai baba, and concluded that Sai baba has been a part of Sanatan Dharma. Didn't you watch the news? They criticized swaroopanand saying, that he's lost the momentum of his saying as he's aging. I will send you all the news cutting, media coverage, and contradictions to swaroopanand's sayings, by much more senior members of Sanatan community. The Sanatan community has boycotted Swaroopanand for his statements, and said that Saibaba should be worshiped with all respect.
You might have not visited Shirdi, else you would have known, that there is Dakshin Mukhi Maruti Mandir, where the idol of Lord Hanuman was kept by Lord Sai himself.
ReplyDeleteDon't mind when i say, you were in a haste to comment, because Shirdi census say that, 30% of the visiting devotees are Muslim. What then made you believe in the fallacy that he's not worshiped by Muslims?
P.S. It doesn't matter. Because even in the time of baba, megha was a staunch brahmin and considered him a Muslim. He abused him and was not willing to attend baba. But destiny got him visit Shirdi, and he saw our divine Lord Shankar in baba.
As far as the books are concerned, no printing media had taken the objective to print without superior aid. The Grand-grandchildren of all the devotees of baba still resides at Shirdi and nearby places, and have gotten proofs of his miracles.
Are you seriously a Hindu? I am sorry for i am interrogating that, but i have read all Eighteen Maha Puranas, Bhagavat Gita, and it mentions that all the Saints are supreme in "Infinite" incarnations of Lord Vishnu. The first chapter of Garuda Purana (One of three important Vaishnav Puranas) says, that Vishnu the supreme manager of this Universe, had 24 core incarnations. Though in reality, he manifests from time to time in infinite forms. And in BG, Lord Krishna himself reveals, that all Saints and Sages are his descendants. Then when you criticize a Supreme saint, you criticize Krishna.
Stories are fake? Why don't you keep nine Thursdays fast on name of baba? Read Satcharitra in a week. And see the miracle happening in KALYUGA. Take my words, i promise you that anything you desire will come true.
You can't compare Sai baba, Gajanana Maharaj, Ramana mahirishi or Swami Vivekananda, with "Corrupted people" like Nirmal nirula or Asharam or Osho. None of the latter mentioned were enlightened. I even call Ramanan Mahirishi Bhagavan (Because he discovered the discourse of Buddha). Who was Buddha or Mahaveer? They were not born God. They transformed into God by realizing the Truth. Do you know about that truth of spirituality?
One is able to communicate with all other enlightened people when one has gained the Sidhdhi (realized the truth). Baba used to communicate with Upasini Maharaj, Gajanan Maharaj and all other great enlightened personalities during his time. Even you can do that, once you let go of ignorance. Then you will be equivalent to God too. It requires God realization.
On attaining Sidhdhi, one is able to practice the highest aspect of Yoga, as said by Patanjali. Baba was the supreme head of Yoga too (Hence said Yogiraj), as he used to take out intestine for cleaning it. Many accounts have been noted. Even in "Personal diary" of Kharparde's, which is not PUBLISHED.
Everyone fell on the lotus feet of baba. Miracles still happen in Shirdi. The fire lit by him is still burning. As you call him, he turns towards you.
My brother/Sister, just turn towards him. I assure you, your life will change.
I was an atheist. I am Physics Lecturer (Engineer), by profession. On challenging him, in this era of Large Hadron collider, baba came in person to me. My life changed! :')
He's much more than God head.
As a son of his, it's my responsibility to give you his real life sketch. Rest to believe is upon you.
He's had given plenty to many. To Agnihotri, he showed Krishna in him, to others, he bought Ganges in his thumb.
Some like Nirmal and Asharam have totally corrupted the religion (I admit), but it's the failure of people's observation. Why they turn towards someone who don't even know about their fate? Ask Nirmal, Asharam or Ravishankar to perform Dhauti (Cleaning intestine by taking it out), or sleep in air. Can they do that? Can they read your mind? NO. A Sidh person is easily traced among many in this Kalyug. Baba was crest jewel, and will always be with us.
Just bow to him.
Om Sai Ram Brother/Sister.
Loads of Love,
Blog Admin
Loved your description.thanks a lot I really am in a need of this description right now
ReplyDelete:) Thank you
DeleteAum Sai nathaye namah
Hi brother
DeleteOm Sai Ram
I have read your all comments.. so nice of you. Whatever I want to say, you said. Need devotees association like you. Please mail me
Om Shri Sai Nathaya Namaha 🙏🏻
too good piece of information, I had come to know about your site from my friend, bangalore,i have read all posts of yours by now,
ReplyDeleteand let me tell you, your web-page gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that i
had been looking for and i would regularly watch out for the new post, once again hats off to you! Thanks a lot once again, Regards,
hanuman chalisa.
Thankyou Anvidh for such an inspiring comment. We'll keep posting more for readers like you. Much Love.
ReplyDeleteYes Rohini.
you can download sai baba photo and always remeber the sai ram
ReplyDeleteMy only GOD is Shirdi Sai Baba. I pray him every day and always utter his naaamam - OM SAI RAM.
ReplyDeleteHe has brought many unbelievable miracles in my life.
I have full faith in Shirdi Sai Baba.
If you believe him, he will never let you down.
Trust me.
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There are may gods i have prayed at different times of strugge Krishna ,ma parvathy ,hanuman ,ganesha ,muruga ,lord Shiva and every time the prayer was from my heart it was fullfilled and i felt like there was never a problem .
ReplyDeleteIn the recent past i have started having reverence for Baba as well as a wonderful selfless personality and to my surprise there are a few things that seem to be happening .But somehow i am not able to take my mind off the fact that people who call themselves as baba or saints are frauds .And because of this i am not able to give my full faith.....
There is one wish that i ask from my heart to baba now and i have been visiting the sai temple on thursdays .I belive by 9th thurdsay it will get fulfilled and if it does ,my faith on baba will become unshakeable because it will be nothing less than miracle ......
you are very great-- excellent blog- Shirdi ke sai babaji is a real God ---
ReplyDeleteWow nice article. Thank you sir. Sai baba will bless you and your family
ReplyDeleteSaibaba and dattatreya is one.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is very good .. I am very happy after reading your blog and I got a lot of information from your blog which is of my use. And I hope that you will bring such good blogs ahead. Compliance Outsourcing Companies
ReplyDeletePlease write on bogus guru Sathya Sai Baba who is falsely claimed sai baba incarnation... I can't even imagine it..
ReplyDeleteI have some proofs which you can include
Please mail me for references which are most conveying
You are very precious sai baba ji I have read your katha and I will read more om sai ram
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for beautiful detailed information. Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻🌹🙏🏻
ReplyDeleteI only believe in one GOD and that is Shirdi ke Sai Baba. I pray him every day and always chant his name - OM SAI RAM.
ReplyDeleteI have experienced many small unbelievable miracles in my life which I can't explain. I have extreme faith in my Sai Baba.
He will never let you down. If you really trust him.
Trust me.
अनंत कोटी ब्रह्मांड नायक राजाधिराज योगिराज परब्रह्म श्री सच्चिदानंद सद्गुरु साईनाथ महाराज की जय🙏🏻 om Sai Ram 🙏🏻🌹🙏🏻